Intuitive Semantic Graph Tool for Enhanced Archive Exploration

by Isabella Gagliardi and Maria Teresa Artese

Paper presented to ACM HyperText 2023 conference


Some additional materials, in progress ...
Results from different hyperparamenters for UMAP and HDBSCAN, using multilingua DistilBERT pre-trained model

Top level graph for QueryLab titles, with k=1, n_neighbor=10,min_cluster_size=5, min_samples=1
Top level graph for QueryLab titles, with k=2,n_neighbor=10,min_cluster_size=5, min_samples=1
Lower level graph for Carnevale in Livemmo, with k=2,n_neighbor=10,min_cluster_size=5, min_samples=1. All nodes are related to Carnival or festivals
Lower level graph for Storie di fantasmi nella Svizzera centrale, with k=2,n_neighbor=10,min_cluster_size=5, min_samples=1. All nodes are related to Swiss
Lower level graph for Preparazione di pane nero a Montecrestese, with k=2,n_neighbor=10,min_cluster_size=10, min_samples=1. English and Italian nodes
Lower level graph for Lavorazione delle ceramiche nella Valle dellOssola, with k=2,n_neighbor=10,min_cluster_size=10, min_samples=1. English and Italian nodes

IMATI-MI Multimedia Information Systems Lab

HT2023 addition materials
