Results for different hyperparameters for UMAP and HDBSCAN/Mean Shift, using different pre-trained large language models
cookIT_mostfreq_h_dimu, with clustering algorithm HDBscan k=1 paramenters L1_3_10_1
cookIT_mostfreq_h_dimu, with clustering algorithm HDBscan k=2 paramenters L1_3_10_1
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L1_3_0.5
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L1_3_0.5
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.5
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.5
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.6
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.6
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.7
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.7
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.9
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.9
cookIT_mostfreq_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_1.0
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_1.0
querylab_descr_mysql_h_romu, with clustering algorithm HDBscan k=1 paramenters L1_3_10_5
querylab_descr_mysql_h_romu, with clustering algorithm HDBscan k=2 paramenters L1_3_10_5
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L1_3_0.5
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L1_3_0.5
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.5
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.5
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.6
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.6
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.7
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.7
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.9
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.9
querylab_descr_mysql_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_1.0
querylab_intangible_tag_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_1.0
querylab_intangible_tag_h_mimu, with clustering algorithm HDBscan k=1 paramenters L1_15_15_5
querylab_intangible_tag_h_mimu, with clustering algorithm HDBscan k=2 paramenters L1_15_15_5
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L1_3_0.5
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L1_3_0.5
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.5
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.5
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.6
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.6
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.7
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.7
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.9
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.9
querylab_intangible_tag_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_1.0
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_romu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_1.0
wiki_mysql_food_compl_h_mimu, with clustering algorithm HDBscan k=1 paramenters L1_15_15_1
wiki_mysql_food_compl_h_mimu, with clustering algorithm HDBscan k=2 paramenters L1_15_15_1
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L1_3_0.5
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L1_3_0.5
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.5
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.5
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.6
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.6
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.7
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.7
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_0.9
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=2 paramenters L2_3_0.9
wiki_mysql_food_compl_m_mimu, with clustering algorithm Mean Shift k=1 paramenters L2_3_1.0
wiki_mysql_food_compl, with k=2 hyperparameters L2_3_1.0