Elisa Maria Alessi

Primo Ricercatore

Laurea in Fisica (V.O.) - Università degli Studi di Padova, marzo 2005.
Master in Matematica Applicata (Diploma d'Estudis Avançats) - Universitat de Barcelona, Spagna, luglio 2007.
Dottorato cum laude in Matematica Applicata - Universitat de Barcelona, Spagna, Ottobre 2010.

Interessi di Ricerca

La mia ricerca riguarda problemi di meccanica orbitale, attraverso l'uso di metodi della teoria dei sistemi dinamici, teoria delle perturbazioni e metodi numerici. Le mie principali linee di ricerca sono:

  • orbite a bassa energia per l'esplorazione di sistemi pianeta-satellite;
  • l'effetto terzo corpo per la dinamica di corpi naturali e artificiali;
  • la dinamica dei detriti spaziali, in particolare il disegno di soluzioni di rimozione passiva e la definizione di un indice di sostenibilità a lungo termine delle attività spaziali.


  • Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale - Settore Concorsuale 09/A1 - II Fascia, 2017-2029
  • L'asteroide (78309) 2002 PV65 è stato chiamato "Alessielisa''
  • Co-fondatrice e partner di SpaceDyS s.r.l., spin-off dell'Università di Pisa, 2011
  • Membro della delegazione italiana dell'Inter-Agency Space Debris Committee (IADC)
  • Membro del Science Team della missione LUMIO, 2024-2026
  • Presidente dei comitato scientifico e del comitato organizzatore dell'International Workshop on Co-orbital Motion (COOMOT), 2022, 2024
  • Membro dell'Editorial Board di Scientific Reports - Nature
  • Membro dell'Editorial Board di Astrophysics and Space Science - Springer


Orbit determination and orbital control systems for interplanetary and lunar probes


Co-orbital motion and three-body regimes in the solar system (TORTOISE)

REMEC mission






2023, Articolo in rivista
A new method for identifying dynamical transitions in rubble-pile asteroid scenarios
F. Ferrari, and E.M. Alessi
Context. Evidence supports the idea that asteroids are rubble piles, that is, gravitational aggregates of loosely consolidated material.This makes their dynamics subject not only to the complex N-body...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202244540
2023, Articolo in rivista
Asteroids co-orbital motion classification based on Machine Learning
Giulia Ciacci, Andrea Barucci, Sara Di Ruzza, Elisa Maria Alessi
In this work, we explore how to classify asteroids in co-orbital motion with a given planet using Machine Learning. We consider four different kinds of motion in mean motion resonance with the planet,...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad3603
2023, Articolo in rivista
Design and performance of a Martian autonomous navigation system based on a smallsat constellation
S. Molli, D. Durante, G. Boscagli, G. Cascioli, P. Racioppa, E.M. Alessi, S. Simonetti, L. Vigna, and L. Iess
Deciphering the genesis and evolution of the Martian polar caps can provide crucial understanding of Mars' climate system and will be a big step forward for comparative climatology of the terrestrial ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.11.041
2023, Articolo in rivista
End-to-end trajectory concept for close exploration of Saturn's inner large moons
E. Fantino, B.M. Burhani, R. Flores, E.M. Alessi, F. Solano, and M. Sanjurjo-Rivo
We present a trajectory concept for a small mission to the four inner large satellites of Saturn. Leveraging the high efficiency of electric propulsion, the concept enables orbit insertion around each...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2023.107458
2023, Articolo in rivista
On the co-orbital asteroids in the solar system: medium-term timescale analysis of the quasi-coplanar objects
S. Di Ruzza, A. Pousse and E.M. Alessi
The focus of this work is the current distribution of asteroids in co-orbital motion with Venus, Earth andJupiter, under a quasi-coplanar configuration and for a medium-term timescale of the order of ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115330
2023, Articolo in rivista
Solar ultraviolet light collector for germicidal irradiation on the Moon
M. Lombini, L. Schreiber, R. Albertini, E. M. Alessi, P. Attinà, A. Bianco, E. Cascone, M. E. Colucci, F. Cortecchia, V. De Caprio, E. Diolaiti, M. Fiorini, L. Lessio, A. Macchi, G. Malaguti, G. Mongelluzzo, G. Pareschi, M. G. Pelizzo, and C. Pasquarella
Prolonged human-crewed missions on the Moon are foreseen as a gateway for Mars and asteroid colonisation in the next decades. Health risks related to long-time permanence in space have been partially ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-35438-4
2022, Articolo in rivista
Environmental index for fragmentation impact and environment evolution analysis
Rossi A.; Vellutini E.; Alessi E.M.; Schettino G.; Ruch V.; Dolado Perez J.C.
Building on the definition of the Criticality of Spacecraft Index (Rossi et al., 2015) and of the Shell Criticality (Bombardelli et al., 2017), a procedure and an index able to quantify and visualize ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.jsse.2022.02.014
2022, Articolo in rivista
Low-thrust de-orbiting from Low Earth Orbit through natural perturbations
S. Huanga, C. Colombo, E.M. Alessi, Y. Wanga, and Z.Hou
This paper investigates two strategies that exploit low-thrust propulsion and natural effects for the complete de-orbiting of spacecraft from a Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The first strategy aims to active...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.02.017
2022, Articolo in rivista
Revisiting the averaged problem in the case of mean-motion resonances in the restricted three-body problem: Global rigorous treatment and application to the co-orbital motion
A. Pousse and E.M. Alessi
A classical approach to the restricted three-body problem is to analyze the dynamics of the massless body in the synodic reference frame. A different approach is represented by the perturbative treatm...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s11071-022-07229-5
2021, Articolo in rivista
Assessment of the close approach frequency and collision probability for satellites in different configurations of large constellations
A. Petit, A. Rossi, and E.M. Alessi
The Earth orbital environment is drastically changing due to an intensification of the space activities. In particular, several projects of large constellations, proposed for the next years for commun...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2021.02.022
2021, Articolo in rivista
Dynamical properties of the Molniya satellite constellation: Long-term evolution of orbital eccentricity
E. M. Alessi, A. Buzzoni, J. Daquin, A. Carbognani, and G. Tommei
The aim of this work is to analyze the orbital evolution of the mean eccentricity given by the Two-Line Elements (TLE) set of the Molniya satellites constellation. The approach is bottom-up, aiming at...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.11.047
2021, Articolo in rivista
Dynamical properties of the Molniya satellite constellation: long-term evolution of the semi-major axis
J. Daquin, E. M. Alessi, J. O'Leary, A. Lemaitre, and A.Buzzoni
We describe the phase space structures related to the semi-major axis of Molniya-like satellites subject to tesseral and lunisolar resonances. In particular, the questions answered in this contributio...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s11071-021-06708-5
2021, Articolo in rivista
Observational properties of low-energy orbits around icy moons
F. Salazar, E. Fantino, and E.M. Alessi
The moons of the giant planets are getting into the focus of the next explorationmissions to the outer solar system. The reason for this interest resides in theirdynamical role within their respective...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.09.051
2021, Articolo in rivista
On the dominant lunisolar perturbations for long-term eccentricity variation: the case of Molniya satellite orbits
T. Talu, E.M. Alessi, and G. Tommei
The aim of this work is to investigate the main dominant terms of lunisolar perturbations, that affect the orbital eccentricity of a Molniya satellite in the long term. From a practical point of view,...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.3390/universe7120482
2021, Articolo in rivista
Science orbits in the Saturn-Enceladus circular restricted three-body problem with oblate primaries
F. Salazar, A. Alkhaja, E. Fantino, E.M. Alessi
This contribution investigates the properties of a category of orbits around Enceladus.The motivation is the interest in the in situ exploration of this moonfollowing Cassini's detection of plumes of ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.12.045
2020, Articolo in rivista
Design and performance of low-energy orbits for the exploration of Enceladus
E. Fantino, F. Salazar, and E.M. Alessi
The icy moons are in the focus of the exploration plans of the leading space agencies because of the indications of water-based life and geological activity observed in a number of these objects. In p...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2020.105393
2020, Articolo in rivista
Dynamical taxonomy of the coupled solar radiation pressure and oblateness problem and analytical deorbiting configurations
I. Gkolias, E.M. Alessi, and C. Colombo
Recent works demonstrated that the dynamics caused by the planetary oblateness coupledwith the solar radiation pressure can be described through a model based on singly averagedequations of motion. Th...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-020-09992-2
2020, Articolo in rivista
How an aware usage of the long-term dynamics can improve the long-term situation in the LEO region
Rossi A.; Alessi E.M.; Schettino G.; Schaus V.; Valsecchi G.B.
The ReDSHIFT H2020 European project has shown, among other findings, that passive disposal procedures can benefit from the exploitation of dynamical perturbations. One key aspect of the project was a ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.05.005
2020, Articolo in rivista
Spectrophotometric and dynamical properties of the soviet/russian constellation of molniya satellites
A. Buzzoni, J. Guichard, E.M. Alessi, G. Altavilla, A. Figer, A. Carbognani, and G. Tommei
We report on the extended observing campaign of the surviving Soviet/Russian spacecraft Molniya, carried out in the years 2014-17 at Mexican and Italian telescopes. Spectrophotometry and astrodynamica...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.jsse.2020.07.028
2023, Poster
An effective and sustainable solution for air sanification inside the future lunar outposts
M. Lombini, L. Schreiber, R. Albertini, E.M. Alessi, A. Bianco, E. Cascone, M.E. Colucci, F. Cortecchia, V. De Caprio, E. Diolaiti, M. Fiorini, L. Lessio, G. Malaguti, G. Mongelluzzo, G. Pareschi, M.G. Pelizzo, and C. Pasquarella
We propose the development of an effective technology for sanitizing the air inside the lunar housing module.

2023, Contributo in atti di convegno
Deep space mission REMEC for GCR monitoring
R. Filgas, B. Bergmann, A. Owens, X. Wu, J. Hulsman, F. Cadoux, C. Colombo, M. Bolis, E.M. Alessi, A. Aguilar, A. Polivka, M. Sedlacek, H. Kalenska, N. de Graaf, I. Vertat, L. Battocchio, R. Redaelli, W. Dolejskova,, and M. Simcak
The Radiation Environment Monitor for Energetic Cosmic rays (REMEC) is one of the missions selected by ESA inthe frame of Czech ambitious missions programme to conduct phase 0, A, B studies of mission...

2023, Contributo in atti di convegno
HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce (HENON) mission: Space weather monitoring and forecasting
L. Provinciali, L. Buzzoli, G. Saita, P. Amabili, D. Calcagno, A. Pipino, L. Conterio, A. Balossino, E.M. Alessi, S. Cicalò, M.F. Marcucci, M. Laurenza, S. Landi, and G. Zimbardo
Space Weather is driven by a chain of physical phenomena beginning on the Sun. Solar Energetic Particles events,Coronal Mass Ejections and other Space Weather Phenomena represent a threat for human li...

CNR@People | Link
2023, Poster
The steady-state population of Earth's minimoons of lunar provenance
E.M. Alessi, R. Jedicke, N. Wiedner, M. Ghosal, B. Bierhaus, and M. Granvik
We determine the steady-state population of Earth's minimoons, natural objects temporarily captured in the Earth-Moon system, and quasi-satellites, natural objects on heliocentric orbits with semi-maj...

2021, Contributo in atti di convegno
A low-thrust lunar cycler of the moons of Saturn
B.M. Burhani, A. Alkhaja, E. Fantino, R. Flores and E.M. Alessi
All our knowledge about Saturn and its icy ring system comes from the data obtained during the flybys of Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, Voyager 2 and Cassini, as well as from the observations carried out by H...

CNR@People | Link
2021, Contributo in atti di convegno
A stable heliocentric disposal strategy for LPO missions, inspired by the natural co-orbital motion of Saturn's moons
A. Pousse and E.M. Alessi
In this work, we present a disposal strategy for Sun-Earth LPO missions, based on stable heliocentric graveyard trajectories that do not approach the Earth-Moon system in the long term. Previous studi...

CNR@People | Link
2021, Contributo in atti di convegno
Environmental Index for fragmentation impact and environment evolution analysis
A. Rossi, E. Vellutini, E.M. Alessi, G. Schettino, V. Ruch, and J.C. Dolado Perez
Building on the definition of the Criticality of Spacecraft Index and of the Shell Criticality, a procedureand an index able to quantify and visualize the medium term effects on the environment of a f...

CNR@People | Link
2021, Contributo in atti di convegno
Performance analysis of a martian polar navigation system
S. Molli, D. Durante, G. Cascioli, S. Proietti, P. Racioppa, S. Simonetti, E.M. Alessi, and L. Iess
Deciphering the genesis and evolution of the Martian polar caps can provide critical understanding of the climatesystem of Mars and allow us to apply the lesson learned about planetary climate change ...

CNR@People | Link
2020, Contributo in atti di convegno
J2-perturbed low-energy orbits around Enceladus
A. Alkhajaa, F. Salazar, E. Fantino, E.M. Alessi, and A. Al Khateebe
The discoveries made by Cassini of geyser-like jets of vapour and organic compounds at the southern polar region of Enceladus have given impulse to a detailed study of this moon. As a result, a number...


  • M. Rossetti, et al. Characterization of a fragmentation in Highly Elliptical Orbit via optical multi-observatory survey strategy. Aerospace 123 (2025), 181.
  • M. Bolis, E.M. Alessi, C. Colombo. Mission analysis for the Radiation Environment Monitor for Energetic Cosmic rays (REMEC) mission. Acta Astronautica 230 (2025), 65-78.
  • E.M. Alessi, I. Baldomà, M. Giralt, M. Guardia, A. Pousse. On the role of the fast oscillations in the secular dynamics of the lunar coplanar perturbation on Galileo satellites. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 142 (2025), 108498, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2024.108498
  • E.M. Alessi, I. Baldomà, M. Giralt, M. Guardia. On the Arnold diffusion mechanism in Medium Earth. Journal of Nonlinear Science 35 (2025), 8, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00332-024-10080-0
  • E.M. Alessi, A. Rossi. Orbital evolution of a Molniya fragmentation. International Astronautical Congress IAC-24 (2024).
  • M. Bolis, E.M. Alessi, C. Colombo. Long-term evolution of orbits in cislunar space: characterisation and stability analysis. International Astronautical Congress IAC-24 (2024).
  • G. Ciacci, et al. AI for Photonics and Photonics for AI.  2024 Italian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP), Firenze, Italy, 2024, 1-4

2019, Journal article
A frequency portrait of Low Earth Orbits
Schettino, Giulia; Alessi, Elisa Maria; Rossi, Alessandro; Valsecchi, Giovanni B.
Celestial mechanics & dynamical astronomy
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-019-9912-6

2019, Editorial in journal
Editorial: The Earth-Moon System As a Dynamical Laboratory
Elisa Maria Alessi; Josep Masdemont; Alessandro Rossi
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2019.00043 | Link

2019, Journal article
Exploiting dynamical perturbations for the end-of-life disposal of spacecraft in LEO
G. Schettino, E. M. Alessi, A. Rossi, G. B. Valsecchi
Astronomy and computing Print

2019, Journal article
On the practical exploitation of perturbative effects in low Earth orbit for space debris mitigation
Schaus V.; Alessi E.M.; Schettino G.; Rossi A.; Stoll E.
Advances in space research
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.01.020

2019, Journal article
Phase space description of the dynamics due to the coupled effect of the planetary oblateness and the solar radiation pressure perturbations
Elisa Maria Alessi; Camilla Colombo; Alessandro Rossi
Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy (Dordr., Online)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-019-9919-z | Link

2018, Journal article
Cartography of the b-plane of a close encounter I: semimajor axes of post-encounter orbits
Valsecchi G.B.; Alessi E.M.; Rossi A.
Celestial mechanics & dynamical astronomy
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-017-9810-8

2018, Journal article
Dynamical uncertainty and demisability occurrence for the atmospheric re-entry of SOHO
Alessi E.M.; Tommei G.; Holbrough I.; Beck J.
Advances in space research
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2018.08.019

2018, Journal article
Natural highways for end-of-life solutions in the LEO region
Alessi, Elisa Maria; Schettino, Giulia; Rossi, Alessandro; Valsecchi, Giovanni B.
Celestial mechanics & dynamical astronomy
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-018-9822-z

2018, Journal article
ReDSHIFT: A Global Approach to Space Debris Mitigation
Rossi, Alessandro; Colombo, Camilla; Tsiganis, Kleomenis; Beck, James; Becedas Rodriguez, Jonathan; Walker, Scott; Letterio, Federico; Dalla Vedova, Florio; Schaus, Volker; Popova, Rada; Francesconi, Alessandro; Stokes, Hedley; Schleutker, Thorn; Alessi, Elisa Maria; Schettino, Giulia; Gkolias, Ioannis; Skoulidou, Despoina K.; Holbrough, Ian; Zazzera, Franco Bernelli; Stoll, Enrico; Kim, Youngkyu
Aerospace (Basel)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.3390/aerospace5020064 | Link

2018, Journal article
Solar radiation pressure resonances in Low Earth Orbits
Elisa Maria Alessi, Giulia Schettino, Alessandro Rossi, Giovanni B. Valsecchi
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Online)

2017, Journal article
Environmental effect of space debris repositioning
Bombardelli, C.; Alessi, E. M.; Rossi, A.; Valsecchi, G. B.
Advances in space research
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.03.044

2017, Journal article
Galileo disposal strategy: Stability, chaos and predictability
Rosengren A.J.; Daquin J.; Tsiganis K.; Alessi E.M.; Deleflie F.; Rossi A.; Valsecchi G.B.
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw2459

2016, Journal article
A numerical investigation on the eccentricity growth of GNSS disposal orbits
Alessi E.M.; Deleflie F.; Rosengren A.J.; Rossi A.; Valsecchi G.B.; Daquin J.; Merz K.
Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy (Dordr., Online)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-016-9673-4 | Link

2016, Journal article
Semi-Analytical Approach for Distant Encounters in the Spatial Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem
Alessi, Elisa Maria; Pau Sanchez, Joan
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics (Print)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.2514/1.G001237

2016, Journal article
The BepiColombo MORE gravimetry and rotation experiments with the orbit14 software
Cicalo, S.; Schettino, G.; Di Ruzza, S.; Alessi, E. M.; Tommei, G.; Milani, A.
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stw052

2016, Journal article
The dynamical structure of the MEO region: long-term stability, chaos, and transport
Daquin J.; Rosengren A.J.; Alessi E.M.; Deleflie F.; Valsecchi G.B.; Rossi A.
Celestial mechanics & dynamical astronomy
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-015-9665-9 | Link

2015, Journal article
An analytical solution for the swing-by problem
Valsecchi G.B.; Alessi E.M.; Rossi A.
Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy (Dordr., Online)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-015-9631-6 | Link

2015, Journal article
Chaos in navigation satellite orbits caused by the perturbed motion of the Moon
Aaron J. Rosengren, Elisa Maria Alessi, Alessandro Rossi, Giovanni B. Valsecchi
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stv534

2015, Journal article
End-of-life disposal concepts for Libration Point Orbit and Highly Elliptical Orbit missions
Colombo, Camilla; Alessi, Elisa Maria; Weg, Willem Van Der; Soldini, Stefania; Letizia, Francesca; Vetrisano, Massimo; Vasile, Massimiliano; Rossi, Alessandro; Landgraf, Markus
Acta astronautica
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2014.11.002

2015, Journal article
Erratum: An analytical solution for the swing-by problem [Celest Mech Dyn Astr, (2015), 123, 2, DOI 10.1007/s10569-015-9631-6]
Valsecchi, G. B.; Alessi, E. M.; Rossi, A.
Celestial mechanics & dynamical astronomy
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-015-9648-x

2015, Journal article
The Criticality of Spacecraft Index
Rossi A.; Valsecchi G.B.; Alessi E.M.
Advances in space research
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2015.02.027 | Link

2015, Journal article
The reentry to Earth as a valuable option at the end-of-life of Libration Point Orbit missions
Alessi, Elisa Maria
Advances in space research
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2015.03.012

2014, Journal article
A methodology for the computation of constrained orbits and its application to the design of Solar System trajectories
Alessi, Elisa Maria; Gómez, Gerard; Masdemont, Josep J.
The Journal of the astronautical sciences
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s40295-014-0004-2

2014, Journal article
Effectiveness of GNSS disposal strategies
Alessi E. M.; Rossi A.; Valsecchi G.; Anselmo L.; Pardini C.; Colombo C.; Lewis H.; Daquin J.; Deleflie F.; Vasile M.; Zuiani F.; Merz K.
Acta astronautica
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2014.03.009

2014, Journal article
The geometry of impacts on a synchronous planetary satellite
Valsecchi G.B.; Alessi E.M.; Rossi A.
Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy (Dordr., Online)
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1007/s10569-014-9571-6 | Link

2019, Conference proceedings
Assessing the effectiveness of resonant corridors in passive debris disposal
Alessandro Rossi; Elisa Maria Alessi; Volker Schaus
First International Orbital Debris Conference 9-12/12/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Characterization of low-energy orbits for the exploration of planetary systems
Francisco Salazar; Elena Fantino; Elisa Maria Alessi
70th International Astronautical Congress 21-25/10/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Collision risk assessment for the proposed large constellations
Alexis Petit; Alessandro Rossi; Elisa Maria Alessi
70th International Astronautical Congress 21-25/10/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Connecting low-energy orbits in the Saturn system
Elena Fantino, Elisa Maria Alessi, Jesús Peláez
18th Australian Aerospace Congress 24-28/2/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
How an aware usage of the long-term dynamics can improve the long-term situation in the LEO region
A. Rossi , E.M. Alessi , V. Schaus, G. Schettino, G.B. Valsecchi
70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 21-25 October 2019

2019, Conference proceedings
In-orbit fragmentation characterization and parent bodies identification by means of orbital distances
Linda Dimare; Stefano Cicalò; Alessandro Rossi; Elisa Maria Alessi; Giovanni B. Valsecchi
First International Orbital Debris Conference 9-12/12/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
S. Huang, C. Colombo, E.M. Alessi, Z. Hou
29th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting 13-17/1/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Low-thrust strategies and implications in the perspective of space debris mitigation for large constellations
Alexis Petit; Elisa Maria Alessi; Alessandro Rossi
First International Orbital Debris Conference 9-12/12/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
C. Colombo, G.V. de Miguel, D.K. Skoulidou, N.M. Banos, E.M. Alessi, I. Gkolias, F. Letterio, G. Schettino, K. Tsiganis, A. Rossi
70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 21-25 October 2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Risk of collision for satellites in different configurations of mega constellations
Alexis Petit, Alessandro Rossi, Elisa Maria Alessi
International Workshop On Satellite Constellations & Formation Flying 16-19/07/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Studying a direct re-entry from a Sun-Earth Libration Point Orbit: can ground uncertainty be kept under control?
Giacomo Tommei; Elisa Maria Alessi
First International Orbital Debris Conference 9-12/12/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
A. Rossi, E.M. Alessi, G. Schettino, J. Beck, I. Holbrough, T. Schleutker, F. Letterio, Gonzalo Vicario de Miguel, J. Becedas Rodríguez, F. Dalla Vedova, H. Stokes, C. Colombo, I. Gkolias, F. Bernelli Zazzera, N. Miguel, S. Walker, F. Romei, K. Tsiganis, D. Skoulidou, E. Stoll, V. Schaus, R. Popova, Y. Kim, A. Francesconi, L. Olivieri, S. Gerardin
70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 21-25 October 2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Rada Popova, A. Rossi, Y. Kim, C. Colombo, E. M. Alessi. I. Gkolias, Dr. V. Schaus, K. Tsiganis, J. Beck
70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 21-25 October 2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Time characterization of the coupled solar radiation pressure-planetary oblateness dynamics
Elisa Maria Alessi; Ioannis Gkolias; Camilla Colombo
70th International Astronautical Congress 21-25/10/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Toward a Physical Characterization of the Soviet/Russian Constellation of Molniya Satellites
Alberto Buzzoni; José Guichard; Giuseppe Altavilla; Alain Figer; Elisa Maria Alessi; Giacomo Tommei
First International Orbital Debris Conference 9-12/12/2019

2019, Conference proceedings
Trade-off study on large constellation de-orbiting using low-thrust and de-orbiting balloons
Simeng Huang, Camilla Colombo, Elisa Maria Alessi
International Workshop On Satellite Constellations & Formation Flying 16-19/07/2019

2018, Conference proceedings
Analytical and Semi-Analytical Approaches to the Third-Body Perturbation in Nearly Co-Orbital Regimes
Rita Neves; Joan-Pau Sánchez; Camilla Colombo; Elisa Maria Alessi
69th International Astronautical Congress 01-05/1/2018

2018, Conference proceedings
Dynamical system description of the solar radiation pressure and J2 phase space for end-of-life design and frozen orbit design
Elisa Maria Alessi; Camilla Colombo
69th International Astronautical Congress 01-05/1/2018

2018, Conference proceedings
ReDSHIFT software tool for the design and computation of mission end-of-life disposal
F. Letterio, E.M. Alessi, I. Gkolias, D.K. Skoulidou, V. Schaus, J. Beck, G. Vicario de Miguel, G. Schettino, A. Rossi, C. Colombo, K. Tsiganis, I. Holbrough, N. Miguel
7th International Conference On Astrodynamics Tools And Techniques (ICATT) 06/11/2018-09/11/2018

2018, Conference proceedings
A. Rossi; C. Colombo; J. Beck; J. Becedas Rodríguez; F. Dalla Vedova; V. Schaus; A. Francesconi; S. Walker; K. Tsiganis; R. Popova; T. Schleutker; I. Holbrough; H. Stokes; E.M. Alessi; I. Gkolias; Y. Kim; G. Schettino; D.K. Skoulidou; E. Stoll; F. Letterio
69th International Astronautical Congress 01-05/1/2018

2017, Conference proceedings
A Quantitative Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of the Mega Constellations
A. Rossi, E. M. Alessi,G. B. Valsecchi,H. Lewis, J. Radtke, C. Bombardelli, B. Bastida Virgili
7th European Conference On Space Debris 18/04/2017, 21/04/2017

2017, Conference proceedings
G. Schettino, E.M. Alessi, A. Rossi, G.B. Valsecchi
68th International Astronautical Congress 25-29/09/2017

2017, Conference proceedings
E.M Alessi, G. Schettino, A. Rossi, G.B. Valsecchi
68th International Astronautical Congress 25-29/09/2017

2017, Conference posters
Frequency characterization of orbits in the LEO region
Giulia Schettino; Elisa Maria Alessi; Alessandro Rossi; Giovanni Battista Valsecchi
The 7th International Meeting On Celestial Mechanics (CELMEC VII) 3-9 Sept. 2017

2017, Conference proceedings
LEO Mapping for Passive Dynamical Disposal
Alessi E.M., Schettino G., Rossi A., Valsecchi G.B.
7th European Conference On Space Debris 18/04/2017, 21/04/2017

2017, Conference proceedings
Rossi A.; Alessi E.M.; Valsecchi G.B.; Lewis H.G.; Colombo C.; Anselmo L.; Pardini C.; F. Deleflie, K. Merz
7th European Conference On Space Debris 18/04/2017, 21/04/2017

2017, Conference proceedings
On the Reentry Design for the SOHO Mission
Alessi E.M., Tommei G., Holbrough I., Beck J.
7th European Conference On Space Debris 18/04/2017, 21/04/2017

2017, Conference proceedings
The H2020 Project ReDSHIFT: Overview, First Results and Perspectives
Rossi A., Alessi E.M., Schettino G., and the ReDSHIFT team
7th European Conference On Space Debris 18/04/2017, 21/04/2017

2016, Conference proceedings
Characterisation of the dynamical structure of the circumterrestrial space for passive debris mitigation
Colombo, Camilla; Alessi, Elisa Maria; Tsiganis, Kleomenis; Rosengren, Aaron; Valsecchi, Giovanni; Rossi, Alessandro
67th International Astronautical Congress 26/09/2017, 30/09/2017

2016, Conference proceedings
Long term evolution of the eccentricity in the meo region: Extraction of the most significant terms from the potential expression
Deleflie, Florent; Alessi, E. M.; Daquin, J.; Daquin, J.; Rossi, A.
26th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting 14/02/2016, 18/02/2016

2016, Conference proceedings
Long term evolution of the eccentricity in the MEO region: Semi-analytical and analytical approach
Deleflie, Florent; Daquin, J.; Alessi, E. M.; Rossi, A.
AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 09/08/2015, 13/08/2015

2016, Conference proceedings
The effect of the GNSS disposal strategies on the long term evolution of the MEO region
Rossi, A.; Alessi, E. M.; Valsecchi, G. B.; Lewis, H. G.; Colombo, C.; Anselmo, L.; Pardini, C.; Deleflie, F.; Merz, K.
67th International Astronautical Congress 26/09/2017, 30/09/2017

2015, Conference proceedings
End-of-life disposal concepts for Libration Point and Highly Elliptical Orbit missions
Colombo, Camilla; Letizia, Francesca; Soldini, Stefania; Lewis, Hugh; Alessi, Elisa Maria; Rossi, Alessandro; Vetrisano, Massimo; Van Der Weg, Willem; Vasile, Massimiliano; Landgraf, Markus
2nd IAA Conference On Dynamics And Control Of Space Systems 24/03/2014, 26/03/2014

2015, Conference proceedings
Semi-Analytical perturbative approaches to third body resonant trajectories
Cuartielles, Joan Pau Sanchez; Colombo, Camilla; Alessi, Elisa Maria
66th International Astronautical Congress 12/10/2015, 16/10/2015

2014, Conference proceedings
An evaluation index for the ranking of LEO objects
A. Rossi, G.B. Valsecchi, E.M. Alessi
65th International Astronautical Congress IAC-14 29/9/2014-3/10/2014

2014, Conference proceedings
An evaluation index for the ranking of leo objects
Rossi, Alessandro; Valsecchi, G. B.; Alessi, E. M.
International Astronautical Congress IAC-14 29/9-3/10/2014

2014, Conference proceedings
End-of-life disposal trajectories for libration point and highly elliptical orbit missions
C. Colombo, F. Letizia, S. Soldini, H.G. Lewis, E.M. Alessi, A. Rossi, M. Vetrisano, W. van der Weg, M. Vasile, M. Landgraf
2nd IAA Conference On DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF SPACE SYSTEMS 24-26 Marzo 2014

2014, Conference proceedings
End-of-life Earth re-entry for highly elliptical orbits: the INTEGRAL mission
C. Colombo, F. Letizia, E.M. Alessi, M. Landgraf
AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting 26-30 Gennaio 2014

2014, Conference proceedings
End-of-life Earth re-entry for highly elliptical orbits: The integral mission
Colombo, Camilla; Letizia, Francesca; Alessi, Elisa Maria; Landgraf, Markus
AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting 26-30/1/2014

2014, Conference proceedings
Exploration of the structure of the web of commensurabilities within the meo and gto regions
Deleflie, F.; Bourgoin, A.; Alessi, E. M.; Daquin, J.; Vienne, A.; Morand, V.; Hautesserres, D.; Rossi, A.; Fouchard, M.
AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2013

2014, Conference proceedings
Deleflie, F.; Bourgoin, A.; Alessi, E. M.; Daquin, J.; Vienne, A.; Morand, V.; Hautesserres, D.; Rossi, A.; Fouchard, M.
AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2013

2014, Conference proceedings
MOID-increasing disposal strategies for LPO missions
E.M. Alessi, J.P. Sánchez Cuartielles
65th International Astronautical Congress 29/9/2014-3/10/2014

2014, Conference proceedings
Ranking in-orbit fragmentations and space objects
A. Rossi, G.B. Valsecchi, E.M. ALessi
310th SYMPOSIUM OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION "Complex Planetary Systems" 7-11 Luglio 2014
CNR@PEOPLE | DOI: 10.1017/S1743921314008011 | Link

2014, Conference proceedings
Re-entry disposal analysis for libration point orbit missions
E.M. Alessi, C. Colombo, M. Landgraf
24th International Symposium On Space Flight Dynamics ISSFD2014 5-9 Maggio 2014

  • 2013 - E. M. Alessi, C. Colombo, J. P. Sánchez Cuartielles, Out-of-plane extension of resonant encounters for escape and captureInternational Astronautical Congress IAC-13
  • 2013 - J. P. Sánchez Cuartielles, E. M. Alessi, D. García Yárnoz, C. R. McInnes, Earth resonant gravity assists for asteroid retrieval missionsInternational Astronautical Congress IAC-13
  • 2013 - C. Colombo, E. M. Alessi, M. Landgraf, End-of-life disposal of spacecraft in highly elliptical orbits by means of luni-solar perturbations and Moon resonancesSixth European Conference on Space Debris
  • 2012 - P. Pergola, E. M. Alessi, Libration Point Orbits Characterisation in the Earth-Moon System, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426, 1212-1222
  • 2012 - E. M. Alessi, S. Cicalò, A. Milani, G. Tommei, Desaturation Manoeuvres and Precise Orbit Determination for the BepiColombo MissionMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 423, 2270-2278
  • 2012 - E. M. Alessi, P. Pergola, Two options for the Callisto's exploration, Acta Astronautica 72, 185-197
  • 2012 - E. M. Alessi, G. Gómez, J. J. Masdemont, Further Advances on Low-Energy Lunar Impact Dynamics, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17, 854-866
  • 2012 - J. P. Sánchez, D. García Yárnoz, E. M. Alessi, C. R. McInnes, Gravitational Capture Opportunities for Asteroid Retrieval Missions,  International Astronautical Conference IAC-12
  • 2012 - E. M. Alessi, S. Cicalò, A. Milani, Accelerometer Data Handling for the BepiColombo Orbit Determination,  Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 145 AAS 12-309, 1st IAA Conference on DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF SPACE SYSTEMS
  • 2010 - E. M. Alessi, G. Gómez, J. J. Masdemont, A Motivating Exploration on Lunar Craters and Low-Energy Dynamics in the Earth-Moon System, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 107, 187-207
  • 2010 - E. M. Alessi, G. Gómez, J. J. Masdemont, Two-manoeuvres transfers between LEOs and Lissajous orbits in the Earth-Moon system, Advances in Space Research 45, 1276-1291
  • 2009 - E. M. Alessi, G. Gómez, J. J. Masdemont, Leaving the Moon by means of invariant manifolds of libration point orbits, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14, 4153-4167
  • 2009 - E. M. Alessi, A. Farrés, A. Vieiro, Á. Jorba, C. Simó, Jet transport and applications to NEOs, 1st IAA Planetary Defense Conference: Protecting Earth from Asteroids

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